The Parti Is Getting Naughty...

Our last highlight featured Parti founder, Bryan, pushing boundaries by giving a voice to the dead. Come check out the latest highlight.

The Parti Is Getting Naughty...

Our last highlight featured Parti founder, Bryan,  pushing boundaries by giving a voice to the dead.

Come check out the latest highlight.


It can be difficult for us to imagine the future of AI, as it is something that does not yet exist. However, we are starting to get glimpses of what it might look like. Right now.

AI already has the power to entice anyone, and it is becoming clear that it will play a major role in our future - even in ways like this.

Parti founder BryanVision was able to make this deep fake video with 30 minutes of recordings and about 12 hours of voice training using Descript.

Imagine being able to create your own version of this. Maybe it’s your wife, or boyfriend. Maybe it’s a celebrity crush. Now imagine it talking to you just the way you like, whenever you want, and with that person’s real voice.

Your own personal AI companion.

Long day at work? Confide in it.

Sad? Let it cheer you up.

Accomplish something big? It’ll congratulate and praise you.

It’ll be trained to give you exactly what you need in the way you need it.

That’s in your imminent future. On video and in virtual reality.

I responded to one…

And she responded back to me…

And I liked it.

There is now an OnlyFans with AI deep fakes, which is a platform that allows users to create and share content with their followers. The AI-OnlyFans platform is designed to help people live out their fantasies with the help of AI deep fakes. It’s personal and intimate. Users are able to exchange photos, videos, and messages from their AI, who can take on the appearance and qualities of whomever you want.

Joking. You got excited, didn’t you?

Come join the Parti on Discord.

Interesting, right?

Whether you want to join in on the fun or watch the show is up to you.

But you're already in the AI revolution.

See you on the other side.

Welcome to the Parti.